Kundenerfahrung im Post-COVID-Zeitalter: Zwischen
Erwartungen und Realität navigieren
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Mit diesem Beitrag möchte ich Ihnen eine Zusammenfassung anbieten.
Auswirkungen von COVID-19:
Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat die Dynamik der
Kunden-Unternehmensbeziehungen grundlegend verändert. Ginger Conlon erläuterte die bedeutenden Veränderungen, bei denen digitale Kanäle Vorrang hatten,
Schnelligkeit und Bequemlichkeit im Vordergrund standen und eine emotionale
Verbindung als Schlüsselthema aufkam. Dies markierte den Aufstieg der
"Kundenzentrierung", die die Bedeutung des Verstehens und der
Erfüllung individueller Bedürfnisse betont.
Ein Balanceakt:
Trotz des neuen Schwerpunkts auf kundenorientierten
Ansätzen besteht eine herausfordernde Spannung zwischen den Erwartungen der Kunden und
den betrieblichen Realitäten. Kunden fordern jetzt sofortige Lösungen, nahtlose
Omnichannel-Erlebnisse und personalisierte Interaktionen. Unternehmen stehen
jedoch vor der Herausforderung, diese Erwartungen mit den Einschränkungen von
Kosten, Ressourcen und betrieblicher Effizienz in Einklang zu bringen.
unserer Diskussion:
- Verschiebung von Metriken: Sind traditionelle Metriken wie "Durchschnittliche
Bearbeitungszeit" und "Erstkontaktlösung" in Zeiten der
Personalisierung noch relevant? Ginger schlug vor, Kundenfrustbewertungen
und Zufriedenheitsniveaus für einen umfassenderen Blick zu erkunden.
- Mitarbeitererfahrung: Zufriedene Mitarbeiter schaffen zufriedene Kunden. Unternehmen werden
dazu aufgefordert, in das Wohlbefinden ihrer Mitarbeiter zu investieren
und sie zu befähigen, auch in herausfordernden Situationen
außergewöhnlichen Service zu bieten.
- Personalisierung vs.
Anpassung: Obwohl Personalisierung geschätzt wird,
möchten Kunden oft keine aufdringlichen Marketingnachrichten. Das richtige
Gleichgewicht zwischen Personalisierung und Respektierung der Privatsphäre
der Kunden ist entscheidend.
- Das
"Bermuda-Dreieck" der Kundenerfahrung: Die Balance zwischen Qualität, Geschwindigkeit und Preis ist eine
ständige Herausforderung. Marken müssen ihre Alleinstellungsmerkmale
verstehen und sie deutlich an die Kunden kommunizieren.
Unser Ergebnis:
Die Zukunft der Kundenerfahrung liegt darin, eine
emotionale Verbindung herzustellen und dabei individuellen Bedürfnissen gerecht
zu werden. Unternehmen, die geschickt den Balanceakt zwischen den Erwartungen
der Kunden und den betrieblichen Realitäten meistern, werden in den kommenden
Jahren erfolgreich sein.
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Customer Experience in the Post-COVID Era: Navigating
Expectations and Realities
We had a very informative and edutaining conversation with our guest, Ginger Conlon, from Genesys.
Impact of COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the dynamics of customer-business relationships.
Ginger Conlon sheds light on the significant shifts, where digital channels
took precedence, speed and convenience became paramount, and emotional
connection emerged as a key focus. This marked the rise of "customer
centricity," emphasizing the importance of understanding and catering to
individual needs.
Balancing Act
Despite the newfound emphasis on customer-centric
approaches, a delicate tension exists between customer expectations and the
practicalities of business operations. Customers now demand immediate
resolutions, seamless omnichannel experiences, and personalized interactions.
However, companies face the challenge of balancing these expectations with the
constraints of costs, resources, and operational efficiency.
Discussion Points
We had a lot of conversational points we touched, but our Key Points out of the dicsussion were the following ones:1. Shifting Metrics: The relevance of traditional metrics such as
"average handle time" and "first contact resolution" is
questioned in the age of personalization. Ginger suggested exploring
customer frustration scores and happiness levels for a more holistic view.
2. Employee Experience: Recognizing the link between employee satisfaction and
customer happiness, companies are urged to invest in employee well-being. Empowered
employees are more likely to deliver exceptional service even in challenging
situations. my words and finding are quite similar, adopting a sysing from an old Boss of mine: Happy Wife, Happy Life.
3. Personalization vs. Customization: While personalization is valued,
customers often resist intrusive marketing messages. Striking the right
balance between personalization and respecting customer privacy is crucial for
sustained success.
4. The
"Bermuda Triangle" of Customer Experience: Balancing quality,
speed, and price poses a constant challenge. Brands are advised to
understand their unique value propositions and communicate them clearly to
The future of customer experience lies in establishing
emotional connections while addressing individual needs. Businesses that
adeptly navigate the delicate balance between customer expectations and
business realities are poised for success in the years ahead.
Feel free to add your comments below and subscribe our YouTube Channel not to miss out any new episodes.
COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the dynamics of customer-business relationships.
Ginger Conlon sheds light on the significant shifts, where digital channels
took precedence, speed and convenience became paramount, and emotional
connection emerged as a key focus. This marked the rise of "customer
centricity," emphasizing the importance of understanding and catering to
individual needs.
Despite the newfound emphasis on customer-centric
approaches, a delicate tension exists between customer expectations and the
practicalities of business operations. Customers now demand immediate
resolutions, seamless omnichannel experiences, and personalized interactions.
However, companies face the challenge of balancing these expectations with the
constraints of costs, resources, and operational efficiency.
Key Discussion Points
1. Shifting Metrics: The relevance of traditional metrics such as "average handle time" and "first contact resolution" is questioned in the age of personalization. Ginger suggested exploring customer frustration scores and happiness levels for a more holistic view.
2. Employee Experience: Recognizing the link between employee satisfaction and customer happiness, companies are urged to invest in employee well-being. Empowered employees are more likely to deliver exceptional service even in challenging situations. my words and finding are quite similar, adopting a sysing from an old Boss of mine: Happy Wife, Happy Life.
3. Personalization vs. Customization: While personalization is valued, customers often resist intrusive marketing messages. Striking the right balance between personalization and respecting customer privacy is crucial for sustained success.
4. The "Bermuda Triangle" of Customer Experience: Balancing quality, speed, and price poses a constant challenge. Brands are advised to understand their unique value propositions and communicate them clearly to customers.
The future of customer experience lies in establishing emotional connections while addressing individual needs. Businesses that adeptly navigate the delicate balance between customer expectations and business realities are poised for success in the years ahead.
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